# Simple Forwarding

This function generates a unique address to which the customer may send payments. This address is infinite without transactions limits.

You can generate crypto addresses for one-time payments or for periodic payments to an address (addresses) associated with certain user(s). For example, if a customer re-uses it to buy the same product again or to charge up the account balance with cryptocurrency.

Generated addresses never expire. They will be permanently monitored.

Please note that micropayments are not efficient in the network because of a possible high network fee.

HTTP and HTTPS protocol schemas in URL are required.

Attention! In case the network fee is more than 50% of amount, we do not forward this payment until the network fee decreases. Otherwise, it’s inefficient.

Warning: Do not top the up the balance or finish a customer’s order when you got an unconfirmed transaction. Scammers can do double spending (opens new window) and re-route this payment. Please finish an order after 1-3 network confirmations only.

# Request

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • URL:https://apirone.com/api/v1/receive?method=create&address={address}&callback={callback}&currency={currency}
Parameter Type Description Required
address string Destination cryptocurrency address where confirmed payments will be forwarded to
currency string Currency type (btc, ltc, bch, doge, trx, usdt@trx)
method string Method create generates a new deposit address
callback object Callback is an object of a callback URL, more information here. Important Always should be the last query parameter

# Request example

curl 'https://apirone.com/api/v1/receive?method=create&address=bc1qggg2ys8duv4qvnfgzng2p75m6ehklcmfygr9m4&currency=btc&callback=https://example.com/callback'

# Success Response Reference

  • HTTP Status Code: 200
  • Content Type: application/json
Parameter Type Description
destination string Merchant's destination (crypto address) where confirmed payments will be forwarded to
input_address string The generated crypto address to receive a payment from a customer
callback_url string Server callback URL to receive data about the payment

# Response example

    "destination": "bc1qggg2ys8duv4qvnfgzng2p75m6ehklcmfygr9m4",
    "input_address": "1FEGJSLDJJ6oSuJwur3fCD7TtQbYUjBV4z",
    "callback_url": "http://example.com/callback?"

# Error response

  • HTTP Status Code: 400 500
  • Content Type: application/json