Recurring payment

What is a recurring payment?
The recurring payment implies a model where funds are automatically transferred from your account at scheduled intervals or reaching the threshold amount.
Scheduled payments are convenient for payment of salaries, subscriptions, or everyday transfers made for exchange to reduce cryptocurrency volatility or to store money in your piggy bank.
We provide three different types:
Recurring payments
You can select payments to be made every special day a week on a regular basis, each business day and/or any random day(s) you wish.
We understand the new VUCA age and the fact that customers can be located anywhere in the world, that's why we decided to use GMT +00:00 time as a constant time zone for scheduled payments.
For example,
if you live in LA with GMT -7 or Dubai with GMT +4 time, be aware of this timezone subtraction/addition moment.Monthly
Like the weekly schedule, you can also select several days as payout days on the calendar. We show 28 days only for any month for convenience, and also we added a “Last day of month” checkbox. This was made for several reasons.
First, we neglect the event of February 29 of a leap year. Additionally, we reduce the chance of error by choosing the 31st date so that the payment schedule only runs 7 times a year.So, recurring payment calendars cover the most popular customer cases. Use the Transfer API to write code for special date events.
Threshold amount
Auto Transfer will be initiated when the threshold amount on your wallet is reached or exceeded. If you have already had an account balance amount exceeding a specified threshold, all the sum will be transferred with the next block.
For example,
The threshold is 100 USDT. Your account balance is 60 USDT. You received an 80 USDT as an incoming transfer. Then 140 USDT would be sent after this incoming transfer.Instant forwarding
We have also added the ability to make Instant forwarding payments to send all incoming transactions to the specified address after the first network confirmation.
Notice: All transfers are carried out taking into account the selected service fees. The network fees may vary and are calculated automatically at the moment of transfer.